include '/home/willo/www/nav.php' ?>
My opinion of Dreamhost
First of all, here's a code to get you free setup: FREEDREAM
Just enter that when you sign up and you'll get $50 off - Which means free setup.
I changed to Dreamhost from phpwebhosting. My old provider just wasn't responsive to requests - like when I asked for secure pop services. They just never added any services. Dreamhost on the other hand is just loaded with services. Their control panel is a bit intense, but it lets me do everything I need.
The Bad
This year they suffered from some pretty serious issues. I've worked for various ISPs, and this is the most upfront and honest explanation of an outage that I've ever seen. My website was down for all of 20 minutes, and I had email issues for a couple of days. Considering everything that happened, I'm satisfied with their response. (Outages happen to everyone.)
The Good
These guys let you do everything. I have LOADS of transfer. Not only that, my site has handled referrals from Hack-A-Day without even blinking. I'm confident I could handle a slashdotting.
The One click installs are pretty nice. I'm competent to install that stuff myself, but when I want it to just be done, they're sweet. It's even simple to upgrade the installs.
Their connectivity seems to be top notch. I get fantastic connection speed and I'm in Missouri.

This is the typical ping time from my cable modem at home. Not bad.
Even with the outage this year, I'm still happy with dreamhost.
$last_modified = filemtime("index.php");
print("Last Modified ");
print(date("m/j/y h:i", $last_modified));
include '/home/willo/www/ads/adsense.php' ?>