I bought my jeep with a 4WD hardware body installed.
I would never buy one again, but go with a steel body.
Below I've made a few notes about living with it.
Ok, and maybe a few rants.
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Fiberglass is good and bad.
You simply cannot securely mount anything to the fiberglass
Various thread inserts in the body were stripped from the fiberglass so that they rotate in the fiberglass. The PO did this, not me.
You can easily mount things in the firewall since it's got sheet metal sandwiched in it.
Mounting a hardtop creates an interesting situation. 4wdh didn't bother to put metal around the lip of the body. The video tells you to cut holes and put metal inserts inside the lip. THIS SUCKS! I bought the jeep with the body mounted and painted already. The time to make those cuts is before you paint the body. I'm not even going to try to do it at this point. I installed camper clamps all at each corner of the tub to clamp the top down. These work great.
To secure it at the windshield, get some 1/8" by 1/2" steel flat. I used scraps from a chainlink fence. My scraps were about 4" long. I drilled and tapped each in the center for 1/4"x20 threads and used 1" stainless hex cap bolts to secure them. I drilled the spaces in the windshield frame and then put epoxy on each piece and tightened the bolts down. After the metal pieces set up, you remove each bolt and once you've drilled matching matching holes in the hardtop, you can bolt it up nice and securely. I'm betting the epoxy will break, but once you've got the bolts tightened, it doesn't matter until you want to pull it off again.