The new karkomp: iphone/ipad video server
Quite a while ago, I spent quite a bit of time messing around with car pc’s. I was never truly happy with what I had. However, on my new car, I’m adding a pair of roof mounted LCDs and an iphone/ipad video cable. NO MORE DVDs in the car!
Since storage space is fairly limited on those devices, I decided that a video server would be a great addition to load up a bunch of movies that I won’t carry around on my devices. (Think Tinkerbell)
For now I’m using what I have on hand: a dual core ATOM Foxconn 45CSX (the network interface is crappy slow on it) I will be upgrading it to something with gig and a core 2 duo at least in the future. That’s stuffed into a case with a 12v power supply. An older 200gb laptop drive will soon become a new 500gb, but it’s not a big deal.
For the server, I decided to use ubuntu linux with the alpha air video server installed. It turns out to be really simple to do, thanks to a custom repository out there. I chose linux because it’s the most stable when you’re dealing with random power outages and it won’t waste the sparse cpu driving an unnecessary GUI.
Thanks to for the time saving writeup!
More later when I get the install together.